Purchase Platform


The Software Production Division creates and implements its own IT solutions. We focus on innovative products and technologies that allow our clients to become a leader in the efficiency and value of their solutions, we support our clients when it comes to IT systems, in organizational and process changes, we help improve organizations, increase efficiency, automate and integrate processes.

In the solutions provided, we use artificial intelligence mechanisms, e.g. in the processes of qualification and recognition of documents, information management, process approach to the functioning of the organization.

How we work?

The Software Production Division implements all projects based on the latest global trends (Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Big Data or mobile technologies, advanced OCR, artificial intelligence) and best practices, including in the field of process operation of the organization, GDPR, risk management, production, planning, purchasing (PZP) or logistics.

The Software Production Division operates in two main streams:

  • Creating and implementing own software products, tailoring them to the needs of a particular client or the environment, like for example, a purchasing platform.
  • Complementing complex ERP implementations (SAP, Oracle, Microsoft) with components not available or not suited to the current specification, like workflow engine, process efficiency monitor.

Why choose us?

High team competences
Experienced programmers and consultants
Technological novelties regularly introduced to the market
Constant work on improving proprietary solutions

The purchase platform is a complete product supporting the preparation, carrying out of procurement proceedings, supporting the elements of preparation and conclusion of contracts as well as conducting and supervising the implementation of contracts.
The most important processes/tasks supported by the sales platform:

  • Purchasing planning at the enterprise/company level.
  • Planning and consolidation of purchases at the capital groups level.
  • Handling of purchasing procedures common for capital groups.
  • Preparation of purchasing documentation, including group work on documents, acceptance of documents.
  • Application for starting the procedure along with a description of the subject of the contract, justification, and indication of sources of financing.
  • Fulfillment of complex acceptance processes for initiated proceedings.
  • Support for the work of the tender committee, generating letters, minutes, notes.
  • Support for a wide spectrum of proceedings in public and private mode.
  • The ability to conducting proceedings with an unlimited number of stages.
  • Defining the criteria for the evaluation of offers along with an indication of the weightings of individual criteria so that it is possible to automatically rank the offers.
  • Generating announcements about ongoing proceedings and making them available on the public part of the website.
  • Built-in supplier’s portal, allowing for fully electronic purchasing processes, integration with an electronic signature, receipt of offers in electronic form, handling of questions/answers, directing letters and information.
  • Built-in electronic auction module allowing the use of the auction as one of the stages of the procedure, the auction module is fully integrated with the rest of the solution, without having to manually transfer the definition of the auction or its results.
  • The possilibity to use the auction module to sell, for example, cars, assets directed to employees and people “outside”.
  • Closing proceedings with or without the choice of contractor, pre-registration of contracts.
  • Handling deposits and collateral against contract performance.
  • Preparation, acceptance and conclusion of contracts based on (or without) proceedings.
  • Integration with ERP systems to transfer information about concluded contracts.
  • Integration with ERP systems to create purchasing procedures based on requirements/orders from the ERP system.
  • Integration with ERP systems to track contract performance (invoices assigned to the contract).
  • Supplier records management (possibility of CRM/ERP integration).
  • Supplier assessment module allowing the supplier’s work to be assessed in terms of the contract being carried out.
  • Ranking of suppliers in the areas of shopping categories, creating a black list, white list, or a list of preferred/qualified suppliers.
  • Creating annexes to contracts.
  • Creation and supervision
  • Tracking the effectiveness of purchasing processes, including:
    • The time of the process and its individual steps.
    • The efficiency of the work of the team carrying out purchasing processese
    • The levels of yields carried out by purchasing teams in individual proceedings and wider perspectives.

Our experts

Are you interested in our offer? Would you like to know more details?
Contact us and check how you can use the solutions we offer in your company!

Tomasz Rutecki

Director of Purchase Platform implementation

Karolina Augoff-Birman

IT Analyst

Provide your company with tools necessary to develop and strengthen its position on the market, supporting and improving its functioning